Thursday, February 20, 2020

Human resources Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Human resources - Case Study Example The wage rates of the people marked on an industry-average basis are evaluated in terms of piece-rate system relating more to the Production workers where pieces produced by each individual are noted. Basic Workers are also rendered yearly bonuses that also depend on their merit or performance rates. The compensation program of Lincoln Electric can be enhanced through introduction of non-financial benefits like Training and Job Recognition programs and yearly Compensation Cost attributed likewise is furnished to employees (The Lincoln Electric Company, n.d., p. 569-570). Compensation package of Southwest Airlines is however found to comprise of a basic pay which is below the industry average. Additions are rendered to Basic Wages in the form of Profit and Stock Sharing endeavors where employees are rendered a part of the company’s yearly profits along with encouraging them to purchase shares of the concern. The people procure shares through allocation of profits or through a d eduction in their pays. Other performance recognition and reward programs are also generated financial or non-financial in nature to enhance the Total Compensation Package. ... 586-587). Benefits and Services The Benefits and Services rendered should be properly planned and executed by the organization to match the demands and aspirations of the employees through the process of employee surveys. Innovation must be rendered to as to the type and range of benefits and enhancement would be rendered through comparison based on industry standards. In the process of surveys and decision-making ventures related to benefit planning both the employees and the union bodies must be taken into consideration. Finally having decided on the benefits based on the cost structure it must be adequately communicated to the beneficiaries to help them optimize and gain on present and future opportunities (Sims, 2007, p.484-485). Range of benefits and services rendered to the staffs in Lincoln Electric contain both financial and non-financial categories. In financial category benefits related to medical insurance and retirement financing schemes are on the cards. Non-financial be nefits consist of meals obtained from the office cafeteria at concessional or discounted rates. Again the employees receive insurance for disability or accidental reasons from the Employee Association body. The company also renders right to older employees to procure stocks of the company wherein they gain on dividends same like the external shareholders. However the executives of the company are devoid of other perks like parking facilities and reserved washrooms and eating zones (The Lincoln Electric Company, n.d., p. 571-572). Southwest Airlines is also found to render a host of benefits to the employees both financial and non-financial in nature. The financial benefits that consist of a range of insurance benefits related to medical, life, disability, mental needs and

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Film Reaction Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Film Reaction - Movie Review Example Sauri replaces his father as leader and Kumaglak's favorite Tulimaq is cursed. The film illustrates how lust for power and personal advancement can divide a community and cause pain, suffering, and untimely death. It demonstrates the law of attraction, how humans can bring evil on themselves and others by harboring bad thoughts. The role of a shaman is not necessarily always a good one in terms of having positive intentions and effects. The film illustrates the nature of the spirit world which also reflects the thoughts, emotions and actions of those living in the physical world. Kumaglak's wife Panikpak takes pity on Tulimaq's poor family. After years of discontent and discord under Sauri's despotic leadership, Tulimaq's sons Amajuaq, the Strong One and Atanarjuat, the Fast Runner, grow up to be skilled hunters and rebels. Atanarjuat falls for Atuat, the betrothed of Sauri's ill-tempered, jealous son Oki. The plot is full of intrigues and the seed of discontent and malice is passed down to the next generation. Oki loses a head punching competition to which he challenges Atanarjuat. But the two young men's battle is also a battle of spirits. The deceased shaman Kumaglak's spirit, summoned by the elder Panikpak, protects Atanarjuat and brings him victory. This is an example that death does not end spirit matters; the power of the spirit persists beyond the physical world and can traverse across world to make its influence felt. The story addresses taboos and breaks them, telling of Puja, Atanarjuat's troublesome second wife, sleeping with her brother-in-law Amajuaq. This causes a deep rift between the brothers. The lack of forgiveness is another spiritual wound, both for the person who refuses to forgive and the one who is refused forgiveness. Puja sets the two brothers up and they are attacked while they sleep by Oki and his friends. They murder Amajuaq, who urges Atanarjuat to flee. There's a parallel here to other myths and spiritual traditions, the lesser brother is elevated to spiritual heights just as Joseph was after being sold by his jealous brothers, or Jacob, or even young David who killed Goliath and became king. Atanarjuat is helped by a spirit to soar over a wide crack and escape Oki. He is aided by Qulitalik, Panikpak's brother who escaped the evil camp with Kumaglak's rabbit foot, the symbol and embodiment of the shaman leader's spirit. This is a good example of the material instruments and p ower objects that shamans use. Qulitalik recognizes Atanarjuat's need to heal spiritually and emotionally and sends him on a spiritual path, collecting animal droppings in a shit bag and with the aid of the rabbit foot, Kumaglak's tool. Qulitaik's role is much like the assistants who help apprentice shamans find their path and accept their destiny. Picking up feces is like holding on to emotional refuse. It is senseless and unhealthy. Atanarjuat has troubling visions, but finally comes to terms with his past and forgives his brother. Forgiveness is the key to his healing and opens the way to healing for the community, too. Atanarjuat has a vision in which his heart is pierced by the evil shaman. This is a highly symbolic event. The piercing of the heart represents deep spiritual pain and potentially fatal suffering. The heart